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November 8th



Opening session



Opening Conference

The Survival of Antiquity: Myth, Drama, Art

Claudia Cieri Via

University of Rome “La Sapienza”




Session 1

Mixture of Alchemical Bodies and Cosmic Sympathy: A Stoic Reading on Zosimus of Panopolis’ Alchemy

Thanasios Rinotas

KU Leuven


The body of a suppliant as a cause of pollution: The daughters of Danaus

Isidro Molina Zorrilla

University of Málaga



coffee break


Session 2

Body and Soul in a Counterfeit Corpus: Horace Odes 5.8

Joe Grimwade

University of Cambridge


Imperial Omens and the Roman Emperor’s body: more than flesh and blood

Ruben de Castro

NOVA University of Lisbon


Lunch break






Session 3

Corpo animal, corpo humano: perspectivas do sacrifício de Ifigénia no 'Agamémnon' de Ésquilo"

Tommaso Suaria

University of Rome “La Sapienza”


The hero’s corpse as gift and curse: Oedipus at Colonus

Miriam Carrillo Rodríguez

University of Malaga


Coffee break




Session 4


Corpo, dança e vinho: os significados da corporeidade em "As Bacantes" de Eurípides

Waldir Moreira de Sousa Junior

University of São Paulo


Assembly, Phalanx, Tragic Chorus: expressions of the same political greek phenomenon

Andrea Navarro Noguera

University of Valencia


Embodiment of body metaphors in Plutarch’s Precepts of Statecraft

Eleni Plati

University of Hamburg

November 9th



Opening Conference

Horace’s corpus and Petrarch’s foot

Rita Marnoto

Universidade de Coimbra


Session 5

Bodies of dream as media of communication in Ovid’s "Metamorphoses"

Johanna Kaiser

University of Pennsylvania


Fame Through Infamy: Receptions and poetic appropriations of the gladiator in Horace, Propertius and Byron

Hannah Burke-Tomlinson

King’s College London






Coffee break




Session 6


The ambiguities of a body: Priam’s journey in David Malouf’s Ransom

Valeria Spacciante

Scuola Normale Superiore

Does Hesiod lurk in J. M. Coetzee’s Age of Iron or does he puppeteer?
Miguel Monteiro

University of Coimbra



Lunch break


Session 7


The Absent Body: Presenting Agamemnon in Richard Strauss’ "Elektra"

Elaine Sanderson

University of Liverpool

Body of worshippers. Structuring the social body in Etruscan sacrificial practices
Diana Pavel

Max Weber Centre, University of Erfurt


Killer Bodies: Depictions of Roman Soldiers in Science Fiction
Hannah-Marie Chidwick and Bernadette Salem

University of Briston






Coffee break




Session 8


William Gladstone, Homer, The discovery of Troy on Victorian London

Maddalena Ruini

Durham University


Author or corpus? Theognis and the ‘tyranny’ of scholarship
Sara De Martin

King’s College London

November 10th

9h00 - 17h00


Cultural programme with visit to the University of Coimbra complex,

the Machado de Castro National Museum, and the archaeological site of the Roman city of Conimbriga

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